I prefer to have my registration code sent to me by (postal mail, email, or fax):
How did you hear about TimeSlice?
Additional comments:
Thank you!
Email, fax, or postal mail this form to:
Maui Software
189 Auoli Drive
Makawao, Maui, HI 96768-9313
eMail: mauisw@aloha.net
Phone: 1-808-573-0011
FAX: 1-808-572-2406
Normally you'll receive your registration name and code within 24 hours, however, it can take up to one week or more. Slow turnaround times occur during Christmas, holidays, vacation time, and directly after we release a new version.
• Shipping a disk with the latest version
If also you want a TimeSlice diskette mailed to you (for example, you want to receive the latest version on diskette instead of downloading it from a BBS), please enclose an additional $5 to cover postage and handling. You could make out two checks (the second one for $5), and if there is no later version, we will return your $5 check. Likewise for credit card sales. You can authorize us to charge an additional $5 for shipping a disk if there is a later version. If there is no later version, we won't charge the additional $5. This is at your option, and there will be no additional $5 charge unless you specify it.
• Non-U.S. funds
Except for EuroChecks, we are now accepting non-U.S funds for payment. However, funds not drawn from a U.S. bank account must include a $2 per check service charge. If the check does not specify an amount in U.S. dollars, expect an additional 2-4 week delay in order processing. However, if it's obvious that the funds are more than the requested fee, the 2-4 week wait is waived.
• You cannot send files (attachments) over the Internet from non-Internet services to our Internet address (although that may change in the future with some on-line services. AOL may allow this now.). The easiest way is to copy the contents of this order form to the clipboard, start your BBS software, start a new mail message, and paste into the message area.